Hogyan szervezzünk olyan céges partit, amelyre az alkalmazottak sikeresnek fognak emlékezni? Mindannyian azt szeretnénk, ha rendezvényeink nem csupán céges összejövetelek lennének, hanem nagyszerű, szórakozással és felejthetetlen emlékekkel teli esték. A Marosvásárhely központjától mindössze 10 percre található Republic Hub ideális helyszín, amely egy multimédiával felszerelt rendezvényteremmel rendelkezik, amely tökéletesen alkalmas céges partik, koncertek és egyéb különleges […]

In today’s digital world, a well-developed mobile application can be a powerful tool to promote your business or services. However, it’s important to understand why you need a mobile app and how you can ensure its success. In this guide, we’ll explore the reasons why a mobile app is worth creating, its potential return on […]

Whether you own or you work for a client’s website, updating technologies should remain a constant concern. We want high – performance and secure websites at the highest standards – it’s important for you to know why to take these things into consideration. Regardless of what kind of updates we are talking about, update, upgrade […]

Whether you visit a website using a computer, a laptop, or another mobile device, keeping it up-to-date is (or at least it should be) extremely important. Moreover, continuous updating should be a key objective for any company because it is the main way of promotion. Are you wondering what are the most important aspects you […]

We are glad when we can collect the benefits of our practice program. Young practitioners who are devoted and know how to follow their goals stay with us. We give them the chance to continue their professional career in our company. Rareș Pașca is one of them. Student at „Petru Maior” University, Faculty of Science […]

New perspectives after the summer holiday. Jürg Müller, the president of an IT company in Switzerland, has been mentoring Reea Group since its foundation. He was invited to our office in Tîrgu-Mureș to provide consultancy in the communication between our teams, so we can improve the services we provide to our clients. The main goal […]

He arrived for the first time in Romania to meet the team he works with. He was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, but settled 20 years ago in the United States. Justin Steventon is a leading software engineer at Microsoft and software developer at CyberTracker. He has been working with George Calugar, […]

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